After School Clubs
We are able to offer children a range of school clubs to enhance and support pupil development. The range of clubs can vary from sport, music, and art. We encourage all children to take part in at least one club, to experience something a bit different during their school day!
Please click on the link at the bottom of this page to download a copy of our most recent after school clubs brochure.
Our clubs run before school, at lunchtime and after school.
We rarely cancel clubs; they will go ahead regardless of the weather. On the rare occasion that a club does have to be cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances, we will contact parents before lunch to inform them.
A register is taken at the beginning of each club and every child is handed over to whoever is picking up at the end.
We do not recommend that parents rely on after school clubs as a long term childcare solution, as clubs change on a termly basis and we cannot guarantee places.