Disability Equality Scheme
This scheme should be read in conjunction with:
- Our Equal Opportunities policy
- Our school aims and admissions criteria
The main aim of the Disability Equality Duty is to get public authorities to think and act proactively on disability equality issues from the start. This will help them to identify from the beginning, where and how, unnecessary
barriers are created to the equal participation of disabled users of their services as well as current and potential employees.
We aim to promote equality and human rights for all, working to eliminate discrimination, reduce inequality, protect human rights and to build good relations, ensuring that everyone has a fair chance to participate in society.
Impairments and health conditions take many forms and people are affected in different ways. Even if your impairment or condition is not obvious and you do not describe yourself as disabled you may still have rights.
The DDA was created to protect people from discrimination. It provides people with rights and places duties on employers and those providing services to the public.
Definitions of Disability
1. You have ‘a physical or mental impairment’.
- Physical impairment covers a number of conditions that affect the body such as arthritis, hearing or sight impairment, diabetes, asthma, epilepsy, conditions such as HIV, cancer and multiple sclerosis, as well as facial disfigurement.
- Mental impairment covers learning disabilities and mental health conditions, such as depression and schizophrenia.
- The impairment has ‘substantial’ and ‘long-term’ negative effects on your ability to carry out normal ‘day-to-day activities’.
- A substantial impairment will make it more difficult and time consuming for you to carry out an activity compared to someone without the impairment.
- Long-term means that your impairment has lasted or will last for 12 months or more, or for the rest of your life.
- Normal day-to-day activities involve mobility, manual dexterity, physical co-ordination, continence, ability to lift and carry everyday.
- At Ramsgate Holy Trinity, the above relates to pupils , parents and staff and to other members of the wider community who might use or visit the school.
In complying with the duty to promote disability we shall have due regard for:
- promoting equality of opportunity
- eliminating unlawful discrimination
- eliminating disability-related harassment
- promoting positive attitudes towards disabled people
- encourage those with disabilities to participate
- taking steps to take into account people’s disabilities even where that involves more favourable treatment.
How we have developed this scheme:
- We have updated our accessibility plan (see ‘Policies’ on this website)
- We have sought the views of parents carers and their families through our parental questionnaire
- We will consult the pupils via the school council.
How we will gather information on the effect of the practices:
- We will discuss the accessibility plan at Governors’ meetings to ensure it is up to date and being actioned.
- There will be agenda opportunities at school council meetings.
- We will seek feedback from disabled employees and those applying for posts regarding recruitment.
- We will gather information about new pupils/parents/carers as part of school admissions.
- Staff, parents and pupils in the school will be given the opportunity through staff meetings, school council meetings and the SENCo to share any concerns.
- An Action Plan has been drawn up and is attached to this as an appendix (available from school office)
Education and Disability.
Currently the school analyses data and tracks pupils of all abilities. Within this remit we will now add disability (as defined above) to our AEN categories to ensure that current practices and policies affect opportunities and achievements positively.
In addition other aspects such as whether disabled children:
- Hold posts of responsibility
- Achieve satisfaction and enjoyment at school
- Transfer to appropriate secondary schools
- Are able to participate fully in trips and clubs
The school will report on the progress being made annually through the school profile, and also through the head teacher’s report to Governors, as appropriate.
This policy has been produced by the headteacher in December 2007 and has been updated in July 2009 and annually thereafter.