School Houses
All children at RHT are assigned to a house; Kiy, Wrightson or Sharp. They are awarded house points throughout the term - In Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 these are called 'dojo house points' and in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 these are referred to simply as 'house points'. Each class has a poster in their classroom on which children record their house points as they are awarded, and then each term all of these are added up to give a total for each house and the winning house is rewarded with a non-uniform day at the end of the following term. There are many reward systems in place for individual success such as house point certificates, stars of the week and the Headteacher award - but it is important also for children to learn that they can be a small part of a larger group and that their actions count and contribute towards success and can make a difference. At the end of the year an overall winning house will be announced.