Please click on the resources below.
- Class 4 Home Learning Tasks wb 18 May 2020
- Tuesday maths questions - perimeter v3
- Tuesday maths answers - perimeter
- Wednesday English - Innovation of Ideas
- Wednesday English - Plan your story
- Wednesday maths questions V2 - perimeter rectilinear shapes
- Wednesday maths V2 answers - perimeter rectilinear shapes
- Friday English - Write Your Story Part 2
- Friday Maths last week's solution to Find 15
- Friday's Fun Challenge - 3 Dice in a Row
- Monday Maths answer sheet
- Monday maths question sheet
- Monday maths times answers table grid
- Monday maths times table grid
- Monday Topic - soundproof activity sheet
- Power point Presentation Soundproofing
- Thursday English - Write Your Story Part 1
- Thursday maths answers - area
- Thursday maths questions - area
- Tuesday English - Boxing Up and Innovation
- Tuesday English - Focus on fronted adverbials
- Tuesday English text