Effective teaching and learning is characterised by the following features of Personalised Learning:
- high quality teaching and learning,
- target setting and tracking,
- focused assessment,
- focused Intervention,
- pupil grouping when appropriate,
- pupil Choice Differentiation when appropriate,
- positive, open learning environment,
- engaging and relevant curriculum,
- opportunities for outdoor learning and effective use of the school environment,
- supporting children’s wider needs with a holistic view of each child,
- excellent safeguarding
Individual pupils’ progress is tracked, together with that of cohorts and specific groups throughout the school. We use a range of performance measures, including teacher assessment and test results. Strengths and areas for development are identified to inform planning and to implement intervention programmes and booster groups as appropriate.
Formative assessment information (ongoing day to day) and summative assessment information (end of unit ‘tests’, more formal yearly assessments) is collected on a regular basis.
These are the statutory formal assessments:
- Key Stage 2 SATS in Year 6 in May
- Phonics Screening in Year 1 in June
- Times Tables Test in Year 4 in June
Pupil progress meetings are held regularly with class teachers, SENCo, Head of School and Deputy Headteacher to identify strengths and weaknesses for individuals and/or cohorts and to agree next step strategies requirements for the teachers to implement.
Parents receive regular updates on their child’s progress so that they can provide support and encouragement as appropriate. As well as reporting on progress, teachers will report on children’s attainment against the national curriculum descriptors. Attainment for the vast majority of children is described as ‘working towards’ the expected standard, ‘working at’ the expected standard or ‘working at greater depth’. In Reception, attainment is described as ‘working towards’ expected, ‘meeting’ expected and ‘exceeding’ expected.
The school’s leadership and subject leaders monitor pupil progress through regular lesson observations, learning walks, pupil interviews, book and planning scrutiny.