School Dinners
Our catering contractor provides fresh and healthy meals for our children, prepared on-site every day. The cost of a hot meal is £2.68 per day and there is always a choice for the children (see menu's below).
Dinner money goes to catering contractor. Their method of payment is online via your school comms account.
Some children choose to have a packed lunch some days and hot meals on others and this is fine - the dinner registers are taken every morning, so please ensure your child tells the teacher if they are not having their usual lunch on a particular day.
Free School Meals
All children in KS1 and Reception are entitled to a free cooked meal at lunchtime, and we encourage all children to take up this offer.
In KS2, some children are eligible for free school meals because their parents receive certain benefits. As the school receives additional funding - known as Pupil Premium - for each child who is entitled to receive free school meals or has been entitled over the last six years, we encourage parents to apply, including those with KS1 children.
You can find out more details, and apply online at free-school-meals or contact the School Office.