- Who are the P.T.F.A.?
- What do the P.T.F.A. do?
- What do they raise money for?
- How do I get involved?.............we hope to answer your questions and more!
Who are the P.T.F.A.? YOU ARE! The fact you have a child in the school means you are automatically a member of the PTFA. We have some members who can give regular time, attend meetings, plan and organise and help out at events. We have some who don’t have time to attend meetings and plan, but are always keen to help out on the day, or bake some goods. Then the majority, who support the fundraising events, by making donations and paying for the various events we put on and without your help we would not survive! THANK YOU
What do they do? RAISE MONEY In any way we can: book fayres, summer fayres, Friday treats, Christmas cards and gifts , Christmas events, Parties, Film nights, Cake sales, Happy bag collection, boosting funds from sponsors, anyway we can, to raise as much money as possible!
What do they raise money for? To date the PTFA have raised huge amounts of money this has enabled amazing projects for the school, including the Nature Trail / Allotment area / Greenhouse/ Bike shed / Brand new Library / Wellbeing Room / funded school trips / We are sure you agree that these all enhance our child’s school experience. We would like to get the teachers, parents and children involved so that future fundraising goes to the areas that we all agree will benefit our children in the best way!
How do I get involved? We understand that what little free time you have is precious, Please do not feel if you offer your time once, then you have to commit…..We are sure you can help in lots of different ways: Can you bake some goods for our Friday treats? Can you offer an hour of your time to help sell some treats? Whatever time you can give ..….we would love your help!
Wellbeing Room: Your support enabled us to fund this amazing resource for the school.
email: facebook: Ramsgate Holy Trinity PTFA